Le professeur John W. CAIRNS (Université d’Édimbourg) animera un séminaire : About legal transplants : historical and theoretical insights organisé par le Centre de Théorie et Analyse du Droit (UMR 7074 CNRS)
Jeudi 4 mai 2017 de 10 à 12 h
Université de Paris Nanterre – École Normale Supérieure – CNRS, Bâtiment F, Salle des Conférences F352, 200 avenue de la République.
Parmi quelques récentes publications :
- John W. Cairns, Law, Lawyers, and Humanism: Selected Essays in the History of Scots Law, (Edinburgh University Press, 2015).
- John W. Cairns, Codification, Transplants and History: Law Reform in Louisiana (1808) and Quebec (1866), (Lawbook Exchange, 2015).
- John W. Cairns, ‘Watson, Walton, and the History of Legal Transplants ‘, (2014), Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law, Vol 41, pp 637-96.
- John W. Cairns, ‘National, Transnational and European Legal Histories: Problems and Paradigms. A Scottish Perspective’, (2012), Revue electronique d’historie du droit, pp 1-13.
- John W. Cairns, Paul Du Plessis, The Creation of the Ius Commune: From Casus to Regula, (Edinburgh University Press, 2010).
- John W. Cairns, ‘The Origins of the Edinburgh Law School: The Union of 1707 and the Regius Chair’, (2007), Edinburgh Law Review, Vol 11, pp 300-48.
- John W. Cairns, ‘Attitudes to Codification and the Scottish Science of Legislation, 1600-1830 ‘, (2007), Tulane European and Civil Law Forum, Vol 22, pp 1-78.
- John W. Cairns, ‘Ius civile in Scotland, ca. 1600 ‘, (2004), Roman Legal Tradition, Vol 2, pp 136-170.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Florent Garnier (27 avril 2017). Séminaire About Legal transplants. Hi-D. Consulté le 12 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/pize