Gli spazi del potere. Strategie e attributi dell’imperialità, sous la direction de C. Leveleux-Teixeira, Fulvio Delle Donne

Gli spazi del potere. Strategie e attributi dell’imperialità, sous la direction de C. Leveleux-Teixeira, Fulvio Delle Donne (ed.), Basilicata University press, Toenza, 2023, 192 p.

Présentation de l’éditeur

“La vastità del territorio è attributo necessario di imperialità? Un impero è solo un regno più grande? Rielaborando gli interventi al convegno scientifico tenutosi alla Maison Française di Oxford nel giugno del 2018, questo libro mette in discussione i legami sviluppati a partire dal Medioevo tra l’idea di impero e la sua espressione geografica. Più precisamente, riflette sul rapporto tra razionalità politica imperiale e configurazione territoriale attraverso alcuni casi di studio tratti dai regni di Sicilia, Francia, Ungheria, Spagna e Inghilterra”.


Corinne Leveleux-Teixeira, De l’espace à l’espèce : de quoi l’im­pé­ria­lité est-elle le nom ? Quelques réflexions introductives

Annick Peters-Custot, Le royaume normand de Sicile, cas d’école de l’im­périalité royale ?

Jean-Paul Boyer, Humilier l’Empire. Le paradoxe des romanistes du ro­yaume de Sicile-Naples (fin XIIIe-mi-XIVe siècle)

Benoît Grévin, Rex est imperator extra regnum ? Stratégies im­pé­riales françaises, des Capétiens aux premiers Valois (1212-1380)

Attila Bárány, The Medieval Kingdom of Hungary : a Power Factor in Central Europe

Hélène Sirantoine, When Being King Was Not Enough : Im­pe­ra­to­res in Medieval Iberia (Ninth to Twelfth Century)

John Watts, Imperial England, 1150-1550

Michael Stolleis – zum Gedenken

Michael Stolleis – zum Gedenken, Hrsg. von Marietta Auer, Thomas Duve und Stefan Vogenauer
2023. X, 90 Seiten. Kt 22,00 €
Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte 342

“This volume presents the lectures written for the academic memorial service for Michael Stolleis (1941–2021) on June 24, 2022. They pay tribute to the many facets of the jurist and historian, the scientist as well as the university teacher. Tying in with his work, some essays shed light on the academic history of “German international law” or the history of colonial law; others highlight his great importance for European colleagues. Yet through all the contributions runs one basic idea: that legal history and legal histories inseparably belong together, as Stolleis masterfully demonstrated in his last book bearing the title “recht erzählen” (2021). Thus, personal recollections of friends and academic companions sustain the memory of an unique narrator of law. Michael Stolleis himself also has his say once again in a reprinted conversation about fathers, educational paths and contemporaneity”.
